Finally got some time.

Yeah, working under stuff can be dangerous. Dont have a set of jackstands and dont intend on getting any. I am fine using the set of 50 pound screw jacks with 18" bases.

Good to know your safe. I want to see the Regal done.
put the car on the jack stands THEN SHAKE THE SHIP OUT OF IT if it doesn't fall and is still solid then get under it.
good to here that you are ok.

I did when I put it up the first time David. I'm guessing that the dirt dried out and has caused this. I took a few chunks out from under the car and they just crumbled like dust.:eek:

You should invite Bison over. I'm sure he can keep that car up for you ;)

LOL Thanks kid, I needed that.:biggrin:

The car is up on the right jack stands now and the rear is in as you can see. You can even see where my shoulder dented the spare wheel well. My ribs are sore as hell right now. I don't think I broke anything thank God but it did scare me. It really did look like slomo when it started coming down.:redface:


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I did when I put it up the first time David. I'm guessing that the dirt dried out and has caused this. I took a few chunks out from under the car and they just crumbled like dust.:eek:

LOL Thanks kid, I needed that.:biggrin:

The car is up on the right jack stands now and the rear is in as you can see. You can even see where my shoulder dented the spare wheel well. My ribs are sore as hell right now. I don't think I broke anything thank God but it did scare me. It really did look like slomo when it started coming down.:redface:

time to pull out the BFH ( big f***ing hammer) to take care of the dent.
you know what you could use to help with the dirt thing? get some plywood to use as a base for the jack stands to go on, that should help spread the pressure on the ground, thereby making it much safer....i use shelving material myself for work on gravel lot..which is alot better than just the gravel.

and damn you're lucky to be alive :O
If you look at the pic of the car on the ground you can see the plywood. It was kicked out when the car went down. The front ones are the ones that caused this. I'm trying to get some more plywood to put down and sill see about putting the tires on it Friday so I can turn it around and start taking the nose off the car. Once it's off I'll see about getting the frame out.
Well I just got back from visiting with a friend and watching part of the series. I also just took a deep breath and it's official. I have a broken rib.:mad: I heard it pop just now.:eek: This is gonna be a long winter and I won't get what I wanted done as soon as I though. I need to be very careful not to puncture a lung by accident so I will be doing some lighter work for sure.:frown:
Charlie, great talking to you pal! Get some interior pics of that limited if you could! I would LOVE to see! Thanks for your help on my turbo. I will be sending her out :D
Always nice to talk to a friend Justin and glad I could help. I'll take some pics when I get to it because I have more exterior work to do first. Frame has to come out and the rust needs to go away. When I get to the interior I will post some pics for you though.
Well I just got back from visiting with a friend and watching part of the series. I also just took a deep breath and it's official. I have a broken rib.:mad: I heard it pop just now.:eek: This is gonna be a long winter and I won't get what I wanted done as soon as I though. I need to be very careful not to puncture a lung by accident so I will be doing some lighter work for sure.:frown:

sorry to hear you broke a rib.
Always nice to talk to a friend Justin and glad I could help. I'll take some pics when I get to it because I have more exterior work to do first. Frame has to come out and the rust needs to go away. When I get to the interior I will post some pics for you though.

Well think of the bright side Charlie, I broken rib really isnt bad and it's an easy fix. God was looking out for you and gave you that broken rib as a simple warning to be more careful next time so you dont brake your back, neck, or pop your head like a zit! Glad your alive!;)
Well think of the bright side Charlie, I broken rib really isnt bad and it's an easy fix. God was looking out for you and gave you that broken rib as a simple warning to be more careful next time so you dont brake your back, neck, or pop your head like a zit! Glad your alive!;)

Very true Jeremy. I was lucky and know it. It could've been much worse but I'm limited on a few things right now. I can't lift much and getting out of bed in the morning is a chore.:( If I cough or sneeze watch out. It frigging hurts to say the least. I'm gonna try and get the wheels back on the car tomorrow and put her down so I can turn her around. Then the nose comes off.:biggrin:
Very true Jeremy. I was lucky and know it. It could've been much worse but I'm limited on a few things right now. I can't lift much and getting out of bed in the morning is a chore.:( If I cough or sneeze watch out. It frigging hurts to say the least. I'm gonna try and get the wheels back on the car tomorrow and put her down so I can turn her around. Then the nose comes off.:biggrin:


oooh immma gonna call charlie and tell you some FUNNY **** tonight.

somebody needs to LAUGH really hard.
