jack cotton 8.36 at 167mph

Congrats Jack i bet that felt REAL good but I bet Brian is not too happy now :) and you drove it on the trailer NICE!!!
Nice work. Thats getting it done.
Congrats guys,that is getting it done!!!!

Condition for racing the northeast today where incredible
At Etown the air was measured at 200ft below sea level :eek:
The Precision Turbo Pro Mod car ran high 5s at 253!!!

Also heard ar Cecil the record in F.A.S.T. was lowered to a 9.84 @ 139!!!!!!!!!! This was done by Lane Carey with his Red 70 Mustang
Wow, the great pumpkin always runs better closer to Halloween!
Jack, Brian and crew, congratulations.
Thanks Guys, I really appreciate the props. My son did the driving yesterday and handled the car like a pro!! I really have many thanks to hand out, this wasn't done alone, it takes a team effort. The beauty of it was doing it in front of and with our many Buick friends, supporting our small community and events. John Sortis puts this event on every year at Cecil County, MD. The track is well prepped and the weather was excellent, my thanks go out to John and his crew that works so hard to give us a track to play at and keeps the Buick tradition alive!!