JDPOLZIN is the BEST!!!!! I love him, I want to make out with him

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Haha my phone knows why it exists...upper left corner...
Btw my wife set the background.

Birthday ain't till Monday but I found this thing in the mail so she gave it to me now
Ashley has whipped out the hogs at a TFW get together! So has Jenn! Same gathering!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Tell Austin to build us a hot tub time machine. I need to go back 12 years and slap myself for passing up Jenn lol! Speaking of, this chick in the video really should be friends with her.
Tell Austin to build us a hot tub time machine. I need to go back 12 years and slap myself for passing up Jenn lol! Speaking of, this chick in the video really should be friends with her.
I need to go back 15 years. Almost to the day. And slap a girl. Maybe 2.
I miss you guys...


I talked to the gas station, and local bar. They doubled there usual order. We should be good to go.
2 amaretto sours at the restaurant to compliment the ribeye and then bought a bottle of cinnamon whiskey for dessert. When the kids are all out my wife and I are gonna drink and stare at each other until we get all hot and bothered. Actually we will probably just play on our phones.
Pm the dets. I'd like to meet you guys with my car too but beverages are enough to get me to drive.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Yeah you should definitely show. Plan on passing out somewhere. We won't hold it against ya. Actually I can't guarantee that someone won't hold "it" against you while you are passed out. Best bet is the layer thing which has been posted here before.

Can't wait to meet the stig