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NVU gauge cluster installation.


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Someone please pray for spring.....

Did you find a fix for the battery icon being on all the time? I will have mine up and ready in two maybe three days. Will let you know if I have the same deal. I was thinking that maybe the ground wire needs to go some place else ?
Did you find a fix for the battery icon being on all the time? I will have mine up and ready in two maybe three days. Will let you know if I have the same deal. I was thinking that maybe the ground wire needs to go some place else ?
Wasn't me with the battery icon problem.... I think it was cptdave. My dash works as advertised save the odometer being grossly inaccurate. Waiting for some weather with temps somewhere above freezing to solder all my temporary connections and install the "other" alky LED
Wasn't me with the battery icon problem.... I think it was cptdave. My dash works as advertised save the odometer being grossly inaccurate. Waiting for some weather with temps somewhere above freezing to solder all my temporary connections and install the "other" alky LED

Ok, so sorry. Where do you live. 60 today here.
Did you find a fix for the battery icon being on all the time? I will have mine up and ready in two maybe three days. Will let you know if I have the same deal. I was thinking that maybe the ground wire needs to go some place else ?
That was me with the battery icon problem. The icon is wired to the voltmeter and should only come on when the high or low limits you program on the gauge are exceeded. Mine stayed on all the time. It's been sent back to NVU for repair. They are also making my backlighting on the speedo and tach brighter. I have about 45 miles driven with the new gauges before sending them back.
That was me with the battery icon problem. The icon is wired to the voltmeter and should only come on when the high or low limits you program on the gauge are exceeded. Mine stayed on all the time. It's been sent back to NVU for repair. They are also making my backlighting on the speedo and tach brighter. I have about 45 miles driven with the new gauges before sending them back.

Finish mine about 30 minutes ago. It's alive, it's alive. Everything works, however don't about the speedo yet, will drive the car tomorrow. The back-lighting lights up the world. Using the white lights. The battery icon only comes on when starting the car
Finish mine about 30 minutes ago. It's alive, it's alive. Everything works, however don't about the speedo yet, will drive the car tomorrow. The back-lighting lights up the world. Using the white lights. The battery icon only comes on when starting the car
Awesome. My speedo calibrated perfectly. Everything matched, GPS mileage markers etc. I'm on a West Coast trip and I'm hoping my gauges are back when I get back.
Awesome. My speedo calibrated perfectly. Everything matched, GPS mileage markers etc. I'm on a West Coast trip and I'm hoping my gauges are back when I get back.
Glad your speedo worked out for ya and hope the gauges are back when you are.

Finished the final installation today which included soldering all connections, cleaning up the wiring bundles and installing the Alky LED. I am pleased....
Well it looks like I have dim dash syndrome, like Captdave had--
the gauges arent evenly lit some are darker than others....:(
That doesn't sound good. What are you gonna do? Can they be sent back and be fixed?

I didn't start mine yet. I have some other things going on.
I only been able to dedicate an hour or two a day and today I got to the point where I was able to plug it in to the car and do a key on test. All the gauges worked and most of the icons I wired so, I unplugged it and put it away until I remembered CaptDave having a dimness issue so I went back into the garage and plugged it back in and turned off the garage lights and turned on the dash lights. Not very bright I even wired both amber and white together to see if it helped and it didnt some are darker than others and some are unevenly illuminated. This is not something I could get used to, looks like I will have to send it back....
Yea me too. I powered mine up on the bench and noticed the same thing

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Guess I'm the luckly one, my back-lighting ie even and bright. Wonder, mined is the short sweep. Only had the white light option?
Ray did you get the Caspers connector or did you just wire it directly?
My car is not accessible right now so I have a question that may be ignorant. Can I start the soldering jobs using the Caspers connector and the gauge pack, so I can check for brightness with out being close to the car?
Ray did you get the Caspers connector or did you just wire it directly?

No, still don't have the dash mate. Don't know what's up with Casper. I wire direct.
When I get the dash mate, you can have it if you want it. No charge
Hi Ray, Glad you got your dashboard working(y)
Is there any way you post a video of your dashboard? Possible day and night time running?
It will be a while before I can a chance to see you and your ride