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Time to go stage II with A/C!


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Well, I guess if you're used to chiseling your tools out of the ice that has built up on your busy (PC term) workbench at 0 degrees C, then 30 C must be outrageously hot. :rolleyes: Especially on that one day in July.
Its very humid up here, your not factoring that in... humidex is in the 40's. Anyway going back on topic, setting the cam sensor seems I filled cylinders up with fuel as the injectors began to pulse wildly for about 8 seconds.......Boy those puppies click hard and loud , must be the 1.9 ohm coils......Hope the XFI drivers can take it.
Its very humid up here, your not factoring that in... humidex is in the 40's. Anyway going back on topic, setting the cam sensor seems I filled cylinders up with fuel as the injectors began to pulse wildly for about 8 seconds.......Boy those puppies click hard and loud , must be the 1.9 ohm coils......Hope the XFI drivers can take it.

with big injectors, are you looking to have them open right as the intake valve opens, or slightly before?
Boy those puppies click hard and loud , must be the 1.9 ohm coils......Hope the XFI drivers can take it.

Ya, And you would have probably thought it was excessive valvetrain noise if the engine was running.

Allan G.
Norbs. Do you plan to do a head retorque procedure after you get the engine started?
Norbs. Do you plan to do a head retorque procedure after you get the engine started?

Not sure , do you have to re torque with cometics? Anyway I have a new issue watch the video you can hear the injectors clicking 4 times before i start the car at the 13 second mark , THe 1st noise you hear is the fans coming on then off and the IAC moving, it is not the car running, until you see the turbo spin....

I would retorque no matter what gasket is used.
I don't know if it's the video equipment, but that seems awfully noisy to me.
Its just my cell phone mounted on the alternator bracket..........I had the exhaust cracked open a bit also. I have to check some grounding issues it could be the cause of the random firing?
I hope you're going to take a better video using better equipment for the legitimate startup.
I hope you're going to take a better video using better equipment for the legitimate startup.

I don't have better video equipment.........all my funds have been absorbed by building this thing....So it will have to do....its good video for a cell phone...
I'm sure hearing it start is making it worth all the time and money.;) I've spent so much on mine it can't even afford a cell phone with video capability.:confused:
You don't have a friend nearby that has equipment he could help you with for a video?
If I were closer, Norbs, I would help you out with that.
You don't have a friend nearby that has equipment he could help you with for a video?
If I were closer, Norbs, I would help you out with that.

I'm the only friend Norbs has.:D All he has to do is shoot me a text...and I'll come out and video the initial fire up.
I'm the only friend Norbs has.:D All he has to do is shoot me a text...and I'll come out and video the initial fire up.

Thanks, but the weather is bad right now...we will have to wait for a better day, need to push the car out.. In the meantime I've run into a technical glitch. Seems that I have a crank sensor noise issue, causing the injectors to fire randomly at key on. With a the help of a few people on the fast board I put a 1 uf tantalum cap on the +12v feed and ground, and it fixed the problem.
You don't have a friend nearby that has equipment he could help you with for a video?
If I were closer, Norbs, I would help you out with that.

Thanks for the offer, but you would freeze up here in the great white North:)