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Time to go stage II with A/C!


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I don't know but the Americans do not realize that Montreal and Toronto can get really HOT from June to September. Well..I can say that here in Montreal it can get so hot that we can't stay in the Sun when we are at the Drag Strip...:( H U M I D I T Y......I keep saying that one day it will no longer Snow here and we will grow Palm Trees..:)
Thanks for the offer, but you would freeze up here in the great white North:)
Just got home tonight and the temp in the house was 68 F. I'm freezing!
It would probably be a heat wave to you.
Just got home tonight and the temp in the house was 68 F. I'm freezing!
It would probably be a heat wave to you.

Yup..anyway I'm taking a breather , cleaning up the shop I don;t want to suck up any debris into the turbo from the floor...:eek:
Yup..anyway I'm taking a breather , cleaning up the shop I don;t want to suck up any debris into the turbo from the floor...:eek:
After seeing how your workbench is kept, I can imagine what the floor must be like. Your garage has got to be a FOD rich environment.
Floor is not that bad, anyway the car is out of commission, #5 cyl is fouled and wet,,,,,,,,,looking deeper in to the cause.
Floor is not that bad, anyway the car is out of commission, #5 cyl is fouled and wet,,,,,,,,,looking deeper in to the cause.

One day, when all the planets and stars align....during the next galactic alignment of the milkyway galaxy...norbs david might have a car that runs! :p
Floor is not that bad, anyway the car is out of commission, #5 cyl is fouled and wet,,,,,,,,,looking deeper in to the cause.
Damn Norbs!! What now? I am working almost everyday getting mine ready for March. I hope I don't get any Bowel Movement on mine during start up....!??!??!
Damn Norbs!! What now? I am working almost everyday getting mine ready for March. I hope I don't get any Bowel Movement on mine during start up....!??!??!
Anything can happen, be prepared for some issues........I'm already working on plan B if this thing is a turd..........

I'm working next on the 5" intake piping and custom made KN air filter
Anything can happen, be prepared for some issues........I'm already working on plan B if this thing is a turd..........

I'm working next on the 5" intake piping and custom made KN air filter
You're a Mad Man...:)
Norbs I was just wondering what you did to prevent the possible cracking of the block between the freeze plugs? Hated to bring this question up but just wondered. Did you drill and tap for a drain between the plugs. Pin the plugs. And then hope for no issue?
Norbs I was just wondering what you did to prevent the possible cracking of the block between the freeze plugs? Hated to bring this question up but just wondered. Did you drill and tap for a drain between the plugs. Pin the plugs. And then hope for no issue?

I have a drain plug in where they usually crack, and the plugs have epoxy on them , hope it holds.............
Just an update, i got cyl #5 to stop fouling up, now cyl# 2 is not firing, black n wet.......runs like a diesel almost anything higher than 10.5 AF it just stalls, cant get it out the shop even...double checked my program ve numbers are single digits, anything more af starts to read 8.8 to 1, fuel pressure is even set at 35 psi, open loop target set 13.4, all warm up enrichement and afterstart set to zero. Proper voltage offset table in also, I am at a loss here.
Vacuum leak?
Are you MAF or speed density?

Fast xfi speed density, based the pw numbers im getting at idle .75 it should be so lean it does even run, but its pig fat 10.5 AF. The injectors are coming out .......took all the plugs out , all a pitch black
Are you using O2 correction right now? If you are, turn it off and try to get a stable idle and mixture without the correction on.