Wanna get mad?? Read this about a guy who got ticketed for working on his car

Interesting........bout the only complaints I have heard of is too many cars in a driveway/street, and of course noise violations. ie breaking a motor in at 3am with uncapped exhaust, oops. :)
The cop was French so what do you expect? He was probably trying to surrender to the guy in his driveway but the poor guy didnt speak French:mad:
Man, I'd be pissed...

Here in Germany it is illegal to wash your car at home... you HAVE to go to a car wash. Reason being, they want to recycle the water. I'm not sure about working on your car.. although i can't say I've seen anyone actually WORKING on their cars.. except for the minor oil change and crap. I've changed a starter and a few other things and nobody's had a problem.

When I buy my house in the states, I want to make sure that I don't live in a neighborhood with crazy covenance laws for just that reason. The first neighbor to try to get me in trouble because I'm working on my OWN car on my OWN property that I pay for will NEVER hear the end of it from me... I'll have to break an engine in EVERY night at 3am. :)
Originally posted by blackbuick87
The cop was French so what do you expect? He was probably trying to surrender to the guy in his driveway but the poor guy didnt speak French:mad:
Exactly. He didn't fine him, he wrote a $108 cheque and was trying to apologize.