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Where oh where is Robert Bean (beene006)?


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Living better with carbon
Oct 1, 2001
Robert won’t talk to me any more; so if anyone knows him; let him know I’m still around.

Robert sold me a torque converter at a really great price. I didn’t feel too bad about being the one to buy it as it had been on the board for a few days; and no one else was interested. I paid by PayPal; and waited. I got an eMail right away that it would be shipped that day. Then I start getting the sob stories about his wife kicking him out and he can’t get his stuff; and the like. Last he told me; she was pregnant; and they were lovingly back together; and I would be getting my torque converter real soon.

That was about two and a half months after the purchase. 6 times during this; Robert told me that he had shipped the torque converter; or was shipping it that day. Well; most of you might not know; PayPal has a limit of 45 days till you can’t start a fuss about something; MasterCard will go further; but after 90 days; it’s harder. I don’t know that Robert knew this; but it wouldn’t surprise me. The last contact I had with Robert was May 11, 2009. The phone numbers he gave me; an out of service cell number of 615-306-0800 and a work number of 615-253-1400 where I’ve left several unanswered messages; don’t seem able to call me back.

(update: I tried; and Robert answered his cell phone today; didn’t have a clue who I was; and told me he was busy; then hung up)

I’m out $150; which I’m not going to cry over. But; it doesn’t take too many bad $150 transactions to raise such a stink that this board picks up some of the stench. Shane (regardless of what he thinks of me) and the Moderators seem to try pretty hard at keeping TurboBuick as clean as possible; and it’s not fair of me to leave them and the rest of the members in the dark about what has happened; and has the potential to happen again. Some of you have already picked up on Robert’s payment plan; and I’ve also been asked to try and make the rest of the members aware.

The little information I have on Robert:

Robert Bean
Dept. of Children’s Service
900 2nd Ave. North
Nashville, TN 37243

Work 615-253-1400
Cell 615-306-0800

If anyone knows Robert; have him get in touch with me. It might save him the long ride to Texas.
Damn I hate to hear crap like that. Hope you get this resolved.:mad:
He just posted on that 'great' fp reg. (the one that won't fit a stock tr :rolleyes: ) ad - as I'm sure you saw... man, I ALMOST bought that convertor, and then recommended it to you.... sorry... :mad: :redface: What a POS.... :mad:
Ya, there is definetly a reason he has a negative feedback to his history. I bought an 87' grill from him sent the money via pay pal only for him to tell me he had sold it locally... I told him money had already been sent so he needed to send it back in which he replied he already did. Well I alerted him that i had no money yet and to my surprise he sent it!! Not at the time he said he did but non the less he did...I was fortunate to get it back and to this day still can't believe he sent it!!
Joe, we can argue in the Poli forum but we are all bros in the TR world...

I made this a sticky. If anyone knows the guy let him know the word is out.

Deadbeat sellers:mad: :mad: :mad:
all i can say is Joe is a great guy and if this dead beat lived in my area i would pay him a visit! :) People shouldnt play games like that!!!
Joe, we can argue in the Poli forum but we are all bros in the TR world...

I made this a sticky. If anyone knows the guy let him know the word is out.

Deadbeat sellers:mad: :mad: :mad:

Thanks Shane:

This is Shane’s playhouse; and regardless of any perceived hurt feelings; it’s nice of him to let us play here too. I know what a pain it is to keep something like this going. Although TurboBuick is about 1,000,000,000 (that’s a Billion) times bigger than the non-profit website that I’m serving my appointment on as webmaster; I realize how quickly one person can bring something down by abusing it. I’ve been treated very fairly by the members here; and it looks like they; the Moderators, and Shane keep the place pretty clean. I don’t want to be the one that let someone poop in here and get away with it more than once.


all i can say is Joe is a great guy and if this dead beat lived in my area i would pay him a visit! :) People shouldnt play games like that!!!

TTGN, & all:

I don’t know that I’ll ever live up to the great guy tag; but I’ve appreciated how I’ve been treated fairly by members on this board. It wouldn’t be fair for me to let the next guy take a screwin’ just because I was too shy to raise a fuss.


Why don't we take turn's putting up new posts on the for sale threads that are titled "BEWARE of beene006" schooling everyone that looks to buy there. In the description just write " beene006 will take your money and produce NO good's !!!
Why don't we take turn's putting up new posts on the for sale threads that are titled "BEWARE of beene006" schooling everyone that looks to buy there. In the description just write " beene006 will take your money and produce NO good's !!!

Because it looks like the community worked like it should; and we won’t have to. All of Robert’s stuff has mysteriously sold; and we probably won’t hear from him again.

Thanks guys,

problem with a member

Joe, me and you have had good business dealings before. I too have been severely robbed by buick guys many times so I will share this info with you. I received a pm from him in regards to a sweet original gn longblock I have for sale. I kept telling him I was not interested in shipping and he kept messaging me requesting me to call him. Here is the copy and paste of the last pm he sent me. I assume he must be doing ok if he is interested in a 1500 dollar motor. Good luck in solving your issues with this guy.

Yesterday, 08:02 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Normal, Alabama
Trader Rating: (-2)
Posts: 167

Re: Long Block


Originally Posted by beene006
do you still have the long block? is it assembled? very interested? can you ship to Nashville TN 37208

Give me a call ASAP 615-306-0800.....Robert

the company called uship does all of that for me the shipper. all you have to do is let them pick the engine up. simple and done

give me a call 615-306-0800. Robert
87,000 orginal miles.....
It's a shame that there are idiots in the TR community that will treat other TR Owner's the way this Douche has. No one should sell him squat. Two wrongs don't make a right, but it would be nice if he got a taste of his own medicine :eek: ...................."beene006" = :mad:
I hate to hear this Joe. There needs to be a way to blacklist anybody who pulls this crap.. I mean no venders to sell to him or no members to sell to him till he mans up and does the right thing.. as well as obviously not buying from him. There needs to be a system in place to send a clear message that this is not tolerated any longer and consequences will dealt. Maybe IP addy shut out from Parts For Sale or WTB areas..maybe even removed from the site entirely untill amends are made. You just can't screw people like this and expect to continue your merry way on the site. :mad:
Hey Joe,I'm glad you started a thread about this s.o.b.Hopefully Robert sees this and makes it right for you to clear his name.Good luck!:cool:
Joe, me and you have had good business dealings before. I too have been severely robbed by buick guys many times so I will share this info with you. I received a pm from him in regards to a sweet original gn longblock I have for sale. I kept telling him I was not interested in shipping and he kept messaging me requesting me to call him. Here is the copy and paste of the last pm he sent me. I assume he must be doing ok if he is interested in a 1500 dollar motor. Good luck in solving your issues with this guy.

Yesterday, 08:02 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Normal, Alabama
Trader Rating: (-2)
Posts: 167

Re: Long Block


Originally Posted by beene006
do you still have the long block? is it assembled? very interested? can you ship to Nashville TN 37208

Give me a call ASAP 615-306-0800.....Robert

the company called uship does all of that for me the shipper. all you have to do is let them pick the engine up. simple and done

give me a call 615-306-0800. Robert
87,000 orginal miles.....

Looks like he’s doing fine. His web page says he makes $200,000+.
Believe it or not. This Idiot asked on Saturday the 6th if I still had the seat tracks. I answered him :: Why don't you take care of Joe ? We'll see if he has anything to say.