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Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe 1320
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Well done. Good luck to all the parties involved that got ripped off, I hope you all get your products or refunds.

i found the thread over at WWW.CORRAL.NET
I have found that when looking to buy parts from the net I try to find members on boards i know that live close and ask them to go by and see the parts for me and check the person out. I may pass on a good deal if I cant find anyone nearby but I think its not worth the risk. Glad to see the good guys won one.
All i got to say is well done guys on this punk :) I am from and this was at a post about this, i am really glad to see every1 pull together to get this kid in Jail and off the web. Keep up the good work and well keep the front wheel off the ground for ya :)

John O

Holy flurgen shnit, found out about this on I've booked marked this story just to gain info on all the other car sites out there on the net. Way to go Joe and Dave!!!;)
Looks like Joe 1320 may be tough as leather, great kill! Cool move by Ken Mosher too. Incredibly long post but worth the read.
I got this off the Corral as well. Much props to Joe and everyone who helped bring this kid to his knees. But lets face it...if he'd gone to prison he'd have ended up on his knees eventually. :eek:
I picked it up atFord Vs and have since spread it at the Fox Thunderbird/Cougar Forum

I've read every page, and it is truly amazing what happens when somebody stands firm. Kudos, Joe 1320 and Dave, and everyone else involved.

What is even more amazing, though, is the fact that people have posted from dozens of different websites honouring dozens of different cars, and I haven't once seen a GN guy tell a Mustang guy that his car sucks, or a domestic guy tell an import guy that his car sucks, or vice versa. I guess, and Sept 11th proved it more than anything, that when things get tough, people generally set aside their differences and get things done. Way to go, everyone.

Now if y'all will excuse me, I think I'll take a nap - I've got 'flu, and it's hit me hard, hence the sappiness.
I'm also replying from the SLP Message Forum/SLP Lounge, where this thread has been immortalized in the following:

18 yr old rips off turbo buick owners....MUST READ

I do have to say Joe that you did a hell of a job tracking this kid and applying the pressure. Unfortunately, most people don't have the patience to follow through on something that takes this long - they probably wouldn't have gone for that last $15. Let's hope that this kid's reputation is so badly tarnished that no one ever does business with him again.
Oh my god.....To Funny

Kick much a** people, all of you rock. Another person from here. Ya'll are on the bike forums now too!

Can't stand trolls or thiefs, hope you finish this one off!:p He deserves everything he gets.

Now that I wasted my whole morning look at this and all the off-shoot links I think I'm gonna do some work before my boss fins out! :D

Great job, gang. 16 pages, recognition on all different kinds of automotive boards, and the successful harrassment of a troll.

I'm over from SLP's board ('sup HM & Ijm Amc!) and love seeing this kind of thing.

I'll be a regular over here from now on, not only for the entertainment value, but I may have a line on a GN that needs some work...

hey just read this and I am from the ECLIPSE forums. Great job guys.

Great job! Got a fw: on the mailing list to this due to a fellow VW Scirocco owner having internet fraud problems as well.

Well done guys!:cool:
well, better late than never. but its on the Syclone and Typhoon Board now too.

Good job guys, that was a lot of reading, but was better than doing homework. :D
Made it to

I just got done spending about an hour and a half. The reading time is getting longer and longer with each post. I got this off of and have forwarded it on to I'm sorry for the situation but unfortunately it is a fact of life. Though, with the right attitude and tools you can do something about it. If even 1 out of every 5 of us combated Internet fraud I bet a lot more people would think twice about it.