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Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe 1320
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Well little Joey of ,2827 N. Harlem Ave. Chicago IL, 60707 continues to ignore my E Mails to , and PHATMEATS@AOL.COM so I had to call him at 312-320-5569 which I believe is his cell phone number, I was more or less curious if he was still around or not as I figured with 60k plus hits to this thread something may have happened to him :) but he said I was the only one harassing him, so to this date I still have only 40.00 out of 250.00 paid back but I do have a great sense of satisfaction in seeing his name dragged through the dirt. The best part of our conversation was asking him how it felt to see how many hits this thread has and what it felt like to have a search engine reference his name to this thread. Another amazing thing about Little Joey is he still tries to negotiate with me, like he has any credibility to make a deal.

Dave Levey
(still screwed but getting it back in other ways)
I'm from also. I'll be spreading it on to a private board I visit as well. EVERYONE can benefit from this.

Glad to see it's worked out for some of you, and hopefully will for the rest. It sucks that people do this, but it's great to see "average" people chasing down the bad guys. I'm one of those technicality people, and love to see the good guys rip into them while being careful not to break any laws or anything.

This news story is a similar situation where the good guys weren't so careful with their methods...

To those of you involved, congratulations, good luck, and thank you for making the internet a safer place for me.
I skipped a lot of the messages and just scrolled to see if you guys got your money back. Seems like D Levey is the only one who didn't. I hope you do - don't give up! Nobody would have ever imagined that Joe B. would have gotten his money back. Take the additional steps necessary - easier said than done of course.

BTW, this has made its way to the BMW forum - However, I've seen links for it on SupraForums -, Prelude Forums -, and ClubSi -

Anytime someone cries out fraud, the link to this thread is posted.
Great Job.

Just wanted to let you know that this thread made it to . Great job on nailing him to the wall. I salute you Joe :D It's been great reading this, When is the made for t.v. movie coming out?;)

Hello from the cycle world.

Way to get the troll.
I still think he should do time, think of all the others he must of ripped off that have not taken action. Good Luck to anyone else getting money from this scumbag.
Joe 1320, U are the man!!! Hat's off to ya, as you can tell from my screen name, I'm kinda partial to mustangs, but have always liked GN's. I've also always loathed dishonest people. U keep up the fight, and if I were you, I'd still continue to pursue his prosecution. Bottom line, a crime was comitted (did I spell that right??) Anyway, the crime can't be taken back, as much as I know I'd like one, there's no such thing as a time machine, and I think we have all had to bear the consequences of our actions as should this person. I would say, let him off the hook if it was an isolated incident, but this guy is a real piece of work. I found u'r thread from, a local board here in Atlanta area, am posting on, and which is a dirtbike/motocross site. We are all truly in this, and it is up to us to keep a watchful eye. Thanks again for the education, it is appreciated.

This thread has made it to the Motorcycle Roadracing community. Our buying/selling community is fairl small, but we still have our bad apples. Thanks for keeping this thread going so the scumbags know they can't get away with it every time!
Holy Hell! What an unecessary process for him to put you all through. Good for you in getting your money back, and good luck to you Dave. This is another shout out from the motorcycle world over at R6Messagenet
Travelin' the globe.

Whats up all, Hackerz81 here and I would just like to let you guys know that your "War Against Troll's" has reached

I dont own any of the cars that this forum is based on, but I do believe that everything that you did to this POS Joey C. was well deserved. Well.....this has been my 2 cents, thanx

Congrats to Joe1320! I sat here and read through 16 pages of this thread and I've got to give ya props Joe! DaveLevey, don't give up, that will teach him the wrong lesson about this kind of crap. Joe Cipolla - I hope you learn something from this experience. If nothing else, don't f*$& with these turbo Buick owners! :D

Btw, I found this thread at
did i just read this whole thing?let me check.

yes i did, it ook me about three and a half hours to read this whole thread.all i can say is good work.if ppl will learn that they can not screw somebody just cause they live a thousand miles away then it was all worth it. somebody from GA posted this on aour local board it kept me busy for awhile and made me feel better knowing that at least slimmy b*astard got what was coming to him.
BTW any of you buicks guys goto the buick ford shoot outs?i made it the one in noble ,ok that was a fun event.



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