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Charlie; thats all i need to know :biggrin: :tup: makes things easier on my side to figure out which i need for whatever :) theres an 83 regal wagon n idaho for 1200 with a 109 block and carb up top; member on here is named ronnie...I'll PM him for pics since i trust members here more than CL lol
Yep, I`m using them... not with the turbo yet, but I have 8445`s on my 79 block.

what do you think is a good deal on that cam?? its got less than 600 miles on it. Remeber ive got the engine here with oil pan, lifters, pushrods, valvesprings, slugs, wristpins, cam, and heads. no crank, intake, turbo, headers, wiring, timing cover, and everything else.

That green sport coupe I looked at awhile ago had 8445 heads on it, the dealer didnt know.
what do you think is a good deal on that cam?? its got less than 600 miles on it. Remeber ive got the engine here with oil pan, lifters, pushrods, valvesprings, slugs, wristpins, cam, and heads. no crank, intake, turbo, headers, wiring, timing cover, and everything else.

That green sport coupe I looked at awhile ago had 8445 heads on it, the dealer didnt know.

Idk... I`d say $65, but if the lifters are good... I need those too, so I`d do $75. Do you have a spare alloy alt bracket?
ok, Ron gave me his email; so we shall see what the 83 regal wagon looks like and how good of a condition it is; then I'll be talking to the bank about a small loan, OR my dad or see what happens.... :) even from 150-200 a month, this means about 6 to 8 months of repayment plus interest, plus the insurance and registration for it...

How come when someone is having a ****ty day you have a way to 1 up them with something that you claimed happened to you when you cannot be a but 17 or 18 at the most?

So how in the hell you going to compare that high school bull**** to real life problems?

How come when someone is having a ****ty day you have a way to 1 up them with something that you claimed happened to you when you cannot be a but 17 or 18 at the most?

So how in the hell you going to compare that high school bull**** to real life problems?

How come when someone is having a ****ty day you have a way to 1 up them with something that you claimed happened to you when you cannot be a but 17 or 18 at the most?

So how in the hell you going to compare that high school bull**** to real life problems?

no... I can relate to alot of issues. BTW, im gonna be 20 here in a few months. Ive lived an eventful life to say the least and just been throught about everthing you can imagine, tragic, painful, sad, and well just dark. im an empathizer in nature... (ESFJ look it up) Im not in high school anymore, im in college with people that act like immature high schoolers, and if you cant tell my my other posts im fed up with this Bullch*t I have to go through on a day to day basis. This is a f***ed world and sometimes im just tired of living in it, but everyday I get up, put my pants on one leg at a time, and do what Ive got to do.

I dont care about the buick, cars, Where Im going to live, my friends, girls, whatever, I just put all that chit to the side to focus of finishing school, and this forum makes each day tolerable without resorting to violent altercations with my peers.

Everyday is a real life problem, the question is how to you come out stronger from it...
I think what it boils down too..........

is you talk too much.

about stuff that nobody cares about.

tone it down a bit. thats all.

some comments and questions are better left to personal friends. not 40 billion internet readers. and particularly not in our garage.

if you have ever wondered what the deep underground garage life is like? well your close to being in the thick of it.

and you know what I tell newbees in my garage?

"Shut Up, Sit Down, Dont touch Nuthing, and Listin to what we say"

"you may speak, when spoken too- and you may act, when told to"

and 3 of them, have gone off to build there own 9 and 10 second cars.

opening of the ears is a beautyful thing.

I think what it boils down too..........

is you talk too much.

about stuff that nobody cares about.

tone it down a bit. thats all.

some comments and questions are better left to personal friends. not 40 billion internet readers. and particularly not in our garage.

if you have ever wondered what the deep underground garage life is like? well your close to being in the thick of it.

and you know what I tell newbees in my garage?

"Shut Up, Sit Down, Dont touch Nuthing, and Listin to what we say"

"you may speak, when spoken too- and you may act, when told to"

and 3 of them, have gone off to build there own 9 and 10 second cars.

opening of the ears is a beautyful thing.


I understand, you teach people in your garage??
I understand, you teach people in your garage??

yea ive had lots of neighborhood kids come and go.... all curious as can be and full of piss and vinegar.

most rarely ever stay more a few moments, usually just curious about all the noise.

But on occasion, we have had a few that stick around... case in point... Andrew, are 17 yo shop sweep has just finished building his own race engine, that pretty much cost nuthing. why? he followed what we asked and told him to do... and the parts, well... spares me and my friends have had around. Machining was done for free, by my machinest... who barterd the work on the block for some sweeping and cleaning.

Andrew has been invited to join our crew, and will probably be on the the hunt for his own GN. Good Kid.

There have ben others, Marcus, Randy, and well my own team mate... Tony, I tought in my Garage.

Funny thing, is this is how I started.... and how I learned. my pops was super strict... so I was taught early on to "shut up and sit down" and like the neighborhood kids, I was curious about the noise at the machine shop down the way.

I was taught by Russ Hall and his brother Rick Hall, a nephews of the famous Dick Harrell Clan that ate super stock drag racing alive in the 60s. I learned machining, assembly techniques, tricks, secrets, and good ol fashion experiance.

something to keep in mind, hit up a local garage... see if you can sweep for pennys or knowledge... and continue on from there.

no... I can relate to alot of issues. BTW, im gonna be 20 here in a few months. Ive lived an eventful life to say the least and just been throught about everthing you can imagine, tragic, painful, sad, and well just dark. im an empathizer in nature... (ESFJ look it up) Im not in high school anymore, im in college with people that act like immature high schoolers, and if you cant tell my my other posts im fed up with this Bullch*t I have to go through on a day to day basis. This is a f***ed world and sometimes im just tired of living in it, but everyday I get up, put my pants on one leg at a time, and do what Ive got to do.

I dont care about the buick, cars, Where Im going to live, my friends, girls, whatever, I just put all that chit to the side to focus of finishing school, and this forum makes each day tolerable without resorting to violent altercations with my peers.

Everyday is a real life problem, the question is how to you come out stronger from it...

20 years old I was on my second tour in the box so dont try to talk tragic to me
yea ive had lots of neighborhood kids come and go.... all curious as can be and full of piss and vinegar.

most rarely ever stay more a few moments, usually just curious about all the noise.

But on occasion, we have had a few that stick around... case in point... Andrew, are 17 yo shop sweep has just finished building his own race engine, that pretty much cost nuthing. why? he followed what we asked and told him to do... and the parts, well... spares me and my friends have had around. Machining was done for free, by my machinest... who barterd the work on the block for some sweeping and cleaning.

Andrew has been invited to join our crew, and will probably be on the the hunt for his own GN. Good Kid.

There have ben others, Marcus, Randy, and well my own team mate... Tony, I tought in my Garage.

Funny thing, is this is how I started.... and how I learned. my pops was super strict... so I was taught early on to "shut up and sit down" and like the neighborhood kids, I was curious about the noise at the machine shop down the way.

I was taught by Russ Hall and his brother Rick Hall, a nephews of the famous Dick Harrell Clan that ate super stock drag racing alive in the 60s. I learned machining, assembly techniques, tricks, secrets, and good ol fashion experiance.

something to keep in mind, hit up a local garage... see if you can sweep for pennys or knowledge... and continue on from there.


well... Ill keep that In mind if im ever down that way. Theres a mechanics shop called Dodds Im thinking of being an intern at, but I really need $$.
I learned from my uncle, he has owned cars most or us wish we had. But now he has a wife and kids and drives a Scion xA:rolleyes: The Regal I have now was his last real car he had. We worked on it together for years, he was going to sell it for $500:eek: I said hell no! I was on my way to get it:biggrin: Now hes happy he gave it to me and not some moron wanting to put a 350 in it or the Mexican that wanted to make it a low rider:rolleyes:
Tragic in diffrent places, you were on tour, I was here at home... case in point???

Cause in point here kiddo is that everytime someone post something going on you dont have to put in your own damn little saab story about some sh*t that happen to you. I been in hell and b*tch slapped the devil and took his beer.

if your life is so damn bad there sell off your pos cars and fix your buick and drive off in the sunset with the figure flying cause I promise you I dont have any bullsh*t like that here going on.

Seriously come on here bs with us and when you have a problem we will help you out some till then just do what your told to get your right and in a timely fashion.........cause some of us might have parts laying around to help you out.