Quick update on skidmark:
THIS CAR DRIVES FUCKING GREAT! It's a better car than the GN, I think the front susp. was redone recently. Doors shut awesome, it rides good, and as much as it fuckin PAINS me to put this in writing on a public forum, it stops better too. I think it must be because it's lighter than the GN.
I'm really glad I bought this car. I literally haven't driven any other vehicle since sunday. Take the kids to school, daycare, etc, they love it and they are already calling it skidmark. Need to fix the fuselink at the starter, it'sa pain in the ass to open the hood and attach/detach the alligator clip to the field wire but i'm doin it 3 or 4 times a day LOL. Fixed the "anti theft" shifter rod and put the console back together, which by the way, was filled with ashes from previous smokers. Sprayed out the TB and IAC with tb cleaner, did an ohm sweep with the scope on the TPS. No dropouts but its 2k ohms higher than the new delco one I have, idle tps volts are perfect but this thing has a tip in stumble thats driving me insane. I might swap it just to see. Got on it just a little but then realized I have NO boost gauge or temp gauge or knock gauge, etc so I didn't stay in it. What I did do was nutless as hell. Maybe it still thinks it's a hotair? LOL calm down Nuts it's just a joke. By the way this fuckin hot air fuel pump is noisy as hell too... Got the center cap inlays scuffed and painted and attached so it's just black GTA caps now. one has a tab broke already so I'm not counting on having it too long. Fine tuning the custom tube of touch up paint that it desperately needs and in process of peeling pinstripe and gonna restripe it with gold. Going to start making plug wires soon, but, as usual, fixing more hail this weekend so I'm sure nothing will get done until next week. As far as im concerned, it's my only vehicle now. Wife says if that's the case that at least 2 cars gotta go outta the driveway.
THIS CAR DRIVES FUCKING GREAT! It's a better car than the GN, I think the front susp. was redone recently. Doors shut awesome, it rides good, and as much as it fuckin PAINS me to put this in writing on a public forum, it stops better too. I think it must be because it's lighter than the GN.