Progress Pics of the Ultimate Giveaway Car!

Patrick, its a low mileage car and the brakes worked great when I had it here painting it. No one donated a new powermaster for it but it shouldn't need it. Brian's gave a ton to this already but if you know someone that wants to overnight a new one to him I am sure he would put her on. later man Daniel Ray

Couldn't say it better myself. I'm not going to list everything I donated but if some one wants to donate s-10 wheel cylinders baer disc brakes etc. I will install no charge.
We did this for the kids not the car. We did this to hopefully pull the mountain size ego's together & become a community again like it was years ago not like it is now. I'm guessing the big picture was missed on this project.
Remember way back when a person needed something some one would ship or give it away for free? That has been lost over the last few years & has taken the enjoymet out of the Buicks. I enjoyed doing what I do to see that appreciation it is now gone.
Not saying everyone is like that but it was a majority not a minority. Things change & you have to do what makes you get up everyday & want to go to work.That is gone.
Couldn't say it better myself. I'm not going to list everything I donated but if some one wants to donate s-10 wheel cylinders baer disc brakes etc. I will install no charge.
We did this for the kids not the car. We did this to hopefully pull the mountain size ego's together & become a community again like it was years ago not like it is now. I'm guessing the big picture was missed on this project.
Remember way back when a person needed something some one would ship or give it away for free? That has been lost over the last few years & has taken the enjoymet out of the Buicks. I enjoyed doing what I do to see that appreciation it is now gone.
Not saying everyone is like that but it was a majority not a minority. Things change & you have to do what makes you get up everyday & want to go to work.That is gone.
Thank you for doing this. Thanks to all the wonderful vendors and all those who donated money. I am putting in another $100.
Brian, been trying to call you , keep getting the answering machine. Don't get burned out on this man! What you are doing is one of the biggest step ups I have ever seen in my life for a great cause. Your first step on this started a landslide of people wanting to help on this project. Not a huge landslide lol but a pretty damn big one!!!!!!! You have brought the buick guys together in a lot of ways this year and you deserve a pat on the back big time for it! The community is getting closer as these cars get older, I seen it myself at renolds this year, 4 or 5 years ago a lot of the buick guys were pricks, sorry guys but just saying it like I seen it! I was there with my 68 firebird and they avoided me like the plaque. This past year was great! Met a lot of new people and there was a ton of people looked over the TFT car when it was there and gave a lot of compliments on what a outstanding display of a group coming together!
To Brian, Kasci, and EVERYONE that has had a hand in this , my hats off to all of you!
Sincerly from the heart
Daniel Ray
Agreed! This was all to bring the community together as a whole and show that the community could come together and do good. We are donating EVERY SINGLE PENNY given to Toys 4 Tots. I for one will be proud to show the world what this community did to help some families for Christmas!

Hate to sound like a broken record but Brian has spent most weekends since the begening working on this car. Daniel worked like a dog to get it painted and back in time. It will be a great car, I would be thrilled to have it. Many of the vendors stepped up and gave some NICE PARTS. I am sure whom ever gets it will be more than happy. I would guess it would take 15K+ to redo this same job!


Merry Christmas!
2 Days Left TTT.

Brian tryed to call but got the answering machine. dont work to hard :) anyways my buddy is going to call and order some parts :)
I'll just say, up till a couple years ago, I was doing what you are Brian, but not to the scale of this particular project. I ended up completely getting out of cars, not because of issues, but due to me going to work for the Lord.

Anyhow, I said that to say this... It takes someone special to come up with a vision for something like this. I 'm not real sure the gentleman meant anything bad by what he said, maybe just pointing something out; however, I do understand your frustration and how you could take it.

Someone winning this car is a by-product of what it is about. The intent and thoughtfulness behind what you and every single person that has worked on and/or donated is outstanding. It's easier said than done, but don't let it get you down. I think alot of people would have donted even if there was nothing to win. I would have.
It will make a nice addition to my garage,Cant wait to get it:D
Thanks guys for stepping up.
Ill throw another donation tomorrow.
What are you talking about OTTO i already told the Hotair that she has a big brother moving in :)
Im with all of you, Brian is an amazing person and all of you that has worked on and donated for the cause!!!!!!!!!! I have been dealing with brian for several years and cant say anything bad, I wish I could donate more but this year is really tight but I am going to do what I can. May all of you be blessed for your actions and thoughts, if I was closer I would have loved to been in the middle of that build.
need boost said:
Patrick, its a low mileage car and the brakes worked great when I had it here painting it. No one donated a new powermaster for it but it shouldn't need it. Brian's gave a ton to this already but if you know someone that wants to overnight a new one to him I am sure he would put her on. later man Daniel Ray

Hey Daniel,
Not a problem, just curious.
If I had a fresh rebuild, I would most certainly donate it and my setup time to the cause.
My only spare is not suitable for much other than spare parts.

Bweavy said:
Couldn't say it better myself. I'm not going to list everything I donated but if some one wants to donate s-10 wheel cylinders baer disc brakes etc. I will install no charge.
We did this for the kids not the car. We did this to hopefully pull the mountain size ego's together & become a community again like it was years ago not like it is now. I'm guessing the big picture was missed on this project.

My hat's off to you sir. It has to be a tremendous effort to pull this off.
I still consider myself a newbie in this community, but it does seem to be close knit compared to others.

Good luck and Merry Christmas to one and all!!!

If you have some S-10 wheel cylinders to install I will send you a set of GM S-10 wheel cylinders to replace them if you want. We bought them from you a while back then went with a disk setup and never took them out of the box. Let me know.

Jim Willett
The key here is to first raise money for the children! I gave my money knowing that the odds of me winning this car were almost zero. I gave the money to help some unlucky kids. The frosting on the cake is that Brian is a great person to even attempt something of this scale! I only hope we as a community can come together once a year like this. Makes me proud to be in such a good group. So I hope that everybody that I have become friends with because of being a Buick Man knows that I consider all of them true friends! Brian included. Thank you all that sent money for this cause, its worth the good feeling you get from knowing somewhere some child will receive a gift that they wouldn't otherwise have gotten. Makes me smile! That's what this is ALL about.

If you have some S-10 wheel cylinders to install I will send you a set of GM S-10 wheel cylinders to replace them if you want. We bought them from you a while back then went with a disk setup and never took them out of the box. Let me know.

Jim Willett

Jim Daniel Ray headed back up Saturday night to help us out with a few extra suprise items on the car. We are trying to get them done.
I appreciate the offer & will take you up on the rear s-10 wheel cylinders. Might not get done today we plan on taking her out in a little bit for some better pics.

Waiting on a few vendor donations to come in now.

Kip asplund of Excesssive Acceleration just shipped us a complete Mas air & cold air intake.

I'll snap a few of the extra suprise pics here shortly