TAI Class for 2008 BG Nationals

I still believe the class should allow Slicks also, not JUST DOT tires.

Sure full slicks arent legal on the street, but when has one of us cared about being legal when we go over the speed limit when we're in our TR's. I'll drive on the street with slicks if needed really.

Also why couldnt we drive street tires on the street and just swap on the slic-DOTs :rolleyes: at the track? Why couldnt this be acceptable? It proves that the car is still street legal and can drive to the grocery store for milk and has the power for the mean 1/4 times but only with the slic-DOTs (sorry i forget not many want slicks to be allowed), but with the street tires, the car wont necessary be the same outcome on the street with the street tires as compared if you drove with the sticky tires.

Does anyone understand or agree with me?

I still believe the class should allow Slicks also, not JUST DOT tires.

Sure full slicks arent legal on the street, but when has one of us cared about being legal when we go over the speed limit when we're in our TR's. I'll drive on the street with slicks if needed really.

Also why couldnt we drive street tires on the street and just swap on the slic-DOTs :rolleyes: at the track? Why couldnt this be acceptable? It proves that the car is still street legal and can drive to the grocery store for milk and has the power for the mean 1/4 times but only with the slic-DOTs (sorry i forget not many want slicks to be allowed), but with the street tires, the car wont necessary be the same outcome on the street with the street tires as compared if you drove with the sticky tires.

Does anyone understand or agree with me?


I want slicks to.. BUT we can also do the drag radials if we have to .. we have been driving for YEARS with drag radials.. 2/3 sets a year :eek: :biggrin:
the rules are
76 turbo
slicks or D/R
109/140 block
93 pump gas
weight ?

am I missing something????

Correct. Weight 3500/3600 should be the norm as well. This keeps out gutted/stripped out race cars.

Now.. Otto, you are allowed to your 67 turbo no problem ;)
I still believe the class should allow Slicks also, not JUST DOT tires.

Sure full slicks arent legal on the street, but when has one of us cared about being legal when we go over the speed limit when we're in our TR's. I'll drive on the street with slicks if needed really.

Also why couldnt we drive street tires on the street and just swap on the slic-DOTs :rolleyes: at the track? Why couldnt this be acceptable? It proves that the car is still street legal and can drive to the grocery store for milk and has the power for the mean 1/4 times but only with the slic-DOTs (sorry i forget not many want slicks to be allowed), but with the street tires, the car wont necessary be the same outcome on the street with the street tires as compared if you drove with the sticky tires.

Does anyone understand or agree with me?


I agree.. I dont have a problem with slicks. At the speed/power these cars can attain, I dont want safety issues. And they are the "cheapest" mod.
Why? it's not like tons of guys are getting down the track with 76's and pump gas/alky. You can't really buy a 3 bolt 76 now PTE does not want to build them becuse the Q trim 76 is not not a good match and the s turbine will not fit in the housing. They can run brackets if they don't make the quick 8 and a stock turbo has just as much chance to win money there. I don't get it, no matter what you do people are not happy.
Ill watch from the sidelines,Im not bracket racing,And with a bone stock short block im not gonna run it hard enought to compete with a 76 in the right car.
We all have our idea of what a street car is,And to me your rules go beyond.
As far as safety with drag radials,Please,Guy CAN get a mid 7 sec car down a good track,A high 9 secv heavy car would be no problem
Have good time!
Why? it's not like tons of guys are getting down the track with 76's and pump gas/alky. You can't really buy a 3 bolt 76 now PTE does not want to build them becuse the Q trim 76 is not not a good match and the s turbine will not fit in the housing. They can run brackets if they don't make the quick 8 and a stock turbo has just as much chance to win money there. I don't get it, no matter what you do people are not happy.
I guess what mike is really trying to say here is: There really isn't as many people with 76mm turbo's on there street car as there are 45a's, 54mm, 63mm, 67mm, and the resent popular 70mm. I'm going to BG regaurdless! So, YOU GUY'S should really consider the fact that this class (TAI) was started as a street car class and these cars SHOULD remain and represent street cars with the least stuff pulled off the car and use drag radials LIKE WE DO ON THE STREET!!! D/R's have been into the low 5's in the 1/8th so I don't think the saftey of the drag radials is a big issue! I see it being more a prefrence than anything for some. My idea of a street car class means to drive your car there with all working equipment, Titled, registered, and insured. Run it in the (TAI street class LIKE YOU WOULD ON THE STREET!) and be able to drive it home!! Julio, Mike, Jack (who ever is going to set the rules) Needs to stop listening to all this garble and make the rules and call it a day! This has gotten way out of hand, PLEASE make the rules and post them seperately and then we will take it from there on who like's the class and who don't! Who will be showing to race and who won't!

Make the rules and post them seperately then watch people cry and whine about them!

Put a stop to 350 post's of constant bickering over lousy sh*t to make it around everyones personal combo's! That includes me too! I don't care if the turbo max is a 67. that is what I'll have to deal with.

Take a look at some of the most popular turbo's sold in the last two years that people are using on the street and there ya go! Wala!

I'm un-subscribed untill the rules come out, Good luck all !!!

Scot W.
I guess what mike is really trying to say here is: There really isn't as many people with 76mm turbo's on there street car as there are 45a's, 54mm, 63mm, 67mm, and the resent popular 70mm. I'm going to BG regaurdless! So, YOU GUY'S should really consider the fact that this class (TAI) was started as a street car class and these cars SHOULD remain and represent street cars with the least stuff pulled off the car and use drag radials LIKE WE DO ON THE STREET!!! D/R's have been into the low 5's in the 1/8th so I don't think the saftey of the drag radials is a big issue! I see it being more a prefrence than anything for some. My idea of a street car class means to drive your car there with all working equipment, Titled, registered, and insured. Run it in the (TAI street class LIKE YOU WOULD ON THE STREET!) and be able to drive it home!! Julio, Mike, Jack (who ever is going to set the rules) Needs to stop listening to all this garble and make the rules and call it a day! This has gotten way out of hand, PLEASE make the rules and post them seperately and then we will take it from there on who like's the class and who don't! Who will be showing to race and who won't!

Make the rules and post them seperately then watch people cry and whine about them!

Put a stop to 350 post's of constant bickering over lousy sh*t to make it around everyones personal combo's! That includes me too! I don't care if the turbo max is a 67. that is what I'll have to deal with.

Take a look at some of the most popular turbo's sold in the last two years that people are using on the street and there ya go! Wala!

I'm un-subscribed untill the rules come out, Good luck all !!!

Scot W.

I'm with Scot. That's what I was thinking. I have a little furter drive to BG, so I would be trailering mine. 9 hours is too far if I drive over the crank trying to keep up with the half of this class.
Why? Did Precision and Limit run out of turbo's?
No I'm sure that they have plenty stock!!! But most people don't have the extra funding to buy a bigger turbo. I was under the impression that this was supposed to be street class. Most street cars have 70mm or smaller turbo. myself included. I'd have a chance in heads up with a 67 or under. I was hoping that this class would remain a cheaper Heads up class. There are already a lot of high dollar heads up class that most people can't afford to race in. We really don't need another high dollar class.
76 is to big, and it's gonna scare off the smaller turbo crowd...For instance I have no intention to run brackets...I'd rather watch then run bracket, I can run bracket at my home track.
Ok, I have 2 cars with 61 turbos and want to run this class and want to run heads up, I think the class should not use anything larger than a 61 turbo otherwise I won't be competitive..... how can we make this a fair race and still run heads up.... if the turbo limit is a 67 or 70mm....
Jack, I do not understand what you are trying to say in your last post. Can you be a little clearer?
Thanks, Kip
PS I think your car looks much better when you have matching wheels on it.