Anyone know Joe Cipolla?

This is absolutely beyond belief!!! I came here from the above site, Reef Central, of which I have been a member for years.

Do you want to know the TOTALLY ironic part?
I am the original owner of a 87 "T" Type. It's got 160,000 and still goin strong.

Kudos to Joe and all the rest of you folks who didn't give up and got restitution. Sure was a long read though
JOE 1320

Originally posted by Joe 1320

This is a war against terrorism.

The kind of terrorism where you cannot safely make transactions with other members of the upstanding Buick community.

Fear of being ripped off will not be tolerated:mad:.

This is a war where intelligence plays a vital role in seeking out the persons involved and bringing them to justice.

I will not stop in this endeavor until the guilty party makes good, and even then I will be watching.............

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance, & Joe is one that always follows through.
So is this schmuck still on the loose or did the long arm of the law spank his sorry behind?
Originally posted by kh440
So is this schmuck still on the loose or did the long arm of the law spank his sorry behind?

Yeah. I was wondering if there were any new developments in this thread. :D
I am totally amazed that this thread is being kicked around. I still get e-mail from people asking for the terminator instructions. :p

The bottom line is Joey tried to scam, got caught and had to pay back the money he stole. He still was trying to peddle parts in the Chicago area but the problem was that everyone was on to the little troll. He eventually faded away into oblivion, his ride of the week on was revokked and ultimately was able to participate in a real life urban legend. Stick a fork in him, he's long since done. :D
another one from

amazing to see this made it were-here & flashkit too.

I will be emailing you to see if there is a statute of limitations on some stuff i got ripped off on when I was building my DSM.
Dunno. Just spent 2 hours instead of sleeping, reading. Figured what the hell, might as well bump it.

Guess my part scam idea isnt gonna work out any time soon huh? haha.
Another from ReefCentral...

Heck, the hobby that I am involved in expects to get scammed. I mean, how many of you would pay $50 - $200 for a lightbulb? Or $200 - $x,000 for a filter that consists of a clear acrylic tube with a pump and a few other dohickeys? Or the tropical play sand that you can get at Home Depots on the east coast for $3 per 50 pound bag. The same sand from the same source, but from a different company and marketed as reef sand and we pay $30+ for roughly 20 pounds! These are legitimate companies!

It's good to see the outcome of this thread. People like Joe C have and will continue to try this on all parts of the internet. It is good to see that something can be done and by the person being scammed!

Joe 1320,
I work in computer security and could make great use of your methods of destruction :D My E-mail addy sould be in my profile
Joe Bowen,

Got the stuff, thanks man :) I can't wait untill some little wankhead decides they are gonna screw over my friends when they use EBay....The results will not be pleasant :D